Hilight Zone: Columbus, Almond-Bancroft Boys Basketball Head to State

As the high school basketball season reaches its climax, all eyes are on the Division 5 state tournament in Wisconsin. Two central Wisconsin teams, Columbus Catholic and Almond-Bancroft, have emerged as the top seeds, setting the stage for an electrifying showdown on the hardwood.

Columbus Catholic, a seasoned contender, is no stranger to the state tournament. This marks their third appearance since 2017, a testament to their unwavering commitment and relentless pursuit of excellence. With a roster boasting nine battle-tested seniors, the team exudes a quiet confidence born of experience and a deep understanding of what it takes to succeed on the grandest of stages.

In stark contrast, Almond-Bancroft is a newcomer to the state tournament, making their historic debut this year. Despite their relative inexperience at this level, the team’s hunger and determination are palpable. Boasting just two seniors, the squad’s youthful exuberance and fearless approach have carried them this far, defying expectations and turning heads along the way.

As these two titans prepare to clash, the anticipation in the air is electric. For Columbus Catholic, the journey to the state tournament has become a rite of passage, a chance to etch their names into the annals of the school’s storied basketball program. Head Coach Joe Konieczny, along with stars Emmitt Konieczny and Blake Jacobi, are determined to seize the moment and add another chapter to their legacy.

On the other hand, Almond-Bancroft’s underdogs are fueled by the pure thrill of the chase. TJ Lamb, Ayden Phillips, and Shane Klismith, under the guidance of Head Coach Curt Lamb, have embraced the role of upstarts, relishing the opportunity to defy the odds and etch their own names into the school’s history books.

As the days count down to the state tournament, the excitement only intensifies. Fans from both sides are rallying behind their teams, painting the towns in school colors and filling the air with chants of support. It’s a celebration of the sport, a testament to the power of dreams, and a reminder that on the court, anything is possible.

Whether you’re a die-hard basketball fan or simply appreciate the drama of a hard-fought battle, the Division 5 state tournament promises to be a spectacle like no other. With two teams on opposite ends of the experience spectrum, the stage is set for an unforgettable clash of wills, where heart, skill, and determination will collide in pursuit of the ultimate prize – a state championship.