Irish Politician's Provocative Jibe Stirs Derby Rivalry

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In a provocative move that has stirred controversy, Irish MEP Mick Wallace took aim at the illustrious Juventus football club during a session of the European Parliament. With the highly anticipated Derby della Mole against local rivals Torino looming, Wallace’s inflammatory remarks have added fuel to the already intense rivalry between the two Turin-based clubs.

The 68-year-old politician, known for his passionate support of Torino, has a history of wearing the club’s jersey in the Irish and European Parliaments. However, his latest outburst has raised eyebrows and sparked debates about the appropriateness of such language in the political arena.

The Controversial Insult

Ahead of the upcoming derby, scheduled for April 13th at the Stadio Olimpico Grande Torino, Wallace hurled an insult at Juventus, exclaiming: “Good luck Toro on Saturday against Juve, Juve m*rda, Forza Toro.” The derogatory term “m*rda” is a vulgar Italian phrase that translates to an offensive insult, adding an extra layer of controversy to Wallace’s remarks.

The incident was captured on video and quickly went viral on social media, igniting a heated discussion among football fans and pundits alike. While some applauded Wallace’s unwavering loyalty to his beloved Torino, others condemned his choice of words as unprofessional and unbecoming of a public figure.

A Heated Rivalry on the Pitch

The Derby della Mole, also known as the Turin derby, is one of the most intense and passionate rivalries in Italian football. The two clubs, Juventus and Torino, have a long-standing history of fierce competition, with bragging rights and local pride at stake every time they meet on the pitch.

Juventus, known as the “Old Lady” of Italian football, boasts a rich legacy of success, having won a staggering 36 Serie A titles and two European Cups/Champions League trophies. On the other hand, Torino, affectionately called “Il Toro” (The Bull), has a more modest but equally passionate following, with seven Serie A titles to their name.

The upcoming derby promises to be a heated affair, with both teams vying for valuable points in their respective league campaigns. Wallace’s inflammatory remarks have only added fuel to the fire, ensuring that the atmosphere at the Stadio Olimpico Grande Torino will be electric, with supporters from both sides passionately cheering on their teams.

Reaction and Backlash

Wallace’s comments have drawn criticism from various quarters, with many questioning the appropriateness of such language in a political setting. Some have argued that as an elected representative, Wallace should maintain a level of decorum and refrain from using offensive language, especially when it involves sensitive topics like sports rivalries.

Juventus fans, in particular, have expressed outrage at the insult directed towards their beloved club. Several supporters’ groups have called for Wallace to apologize and retract his statements, while others have vowed to respond with chants and banners during the derby match.

Amidst the backlash, Wallace has remained defiant, defending his remarks as a display of passion and unwavering support for Torino. He has yet to issue an official apology or statement regarding the incident.


The Derby della Mole has always been a highly charged affair, but Mick Wallace’s controversial insult has added an extra layer of tension and animosity to the upcoming match. While some may view his remarks as a harmless display of passion, others have criticized the Irish politician for his lack of professionalism and decorum.

Regardless of the outcome, one thing is certain: the derby between Juventus and Torino will be a heated battle, both on and off the pitch, with Wallace’s provocative jibe serving as a reminder of the intense rivalry that exists between these two iconic Italian clubs.