
OKC Marathon Medic Honors Mom, Shares Stories of 168 Victims

As the sun rises on a crisp April morning in Oklahoma City, Nick Chafey will be among the first to arrive at the starting line of the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon. His role, however, extends far beyond that of a runner or spectator – he is the on-course medical chairman, overseeing a team of dedicated volunteers tasked with ensuring the safety and well-being of the thousands of participants. For Chafey, this event holds a deeper significance than most.

Baseball Legends Slam Oakland Over A's Vegas Move

Rickey Henderson and Dave Stewart know a thing or two about winning in Oakland. The former Athletics stars were key members of the franchise’s last World Series championship team in 1989. Henderson was the ALCS MVP that year while Stewart took home World Series MVP honors. Now, over three decades later, the two Oakland natives are deeply disappointed in their hometown’s inability to keep the A’s from skipping town for Las Vegas.